Top 3 Air Combat Games
1. Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 2
WWII in the Pacific challenged pilots and machines as never before. Combat Flight Simulator 2 takes you back to this historic time and place with exquisitely detailed aircraft, cockpits, and scenery. The flight dynamics of each accurately engineered aircraft capture the true experience of flying magnificent machines, from nimble Zeros to lethal workhorses like the Corsair and Hellcat. Details like moving canopies, folding wings, battle-scarred paint, spectacular damage, and last-second bailouts immerse you in a new level of realism.
2. Crimson Skies
Nathan Zachary is a suave air pirate -- a little Indiana Jones and a little Don Karnage from Disney's Tailspin. His bravado is Crimson Skies' bravado. Excellent voice acting, a superb soundtrack, brilliant control, marvelous graphics, and the most exhilarating, fulfilling and downright satis-freaking-fying dogfights around delivered a game that proved once and for all that flight combat didn't necessarily have to mean flight simulation. It was done and it was done right. Believe us, if highflying adventure has a name in Webster's, it's definitely Crimson Skies.

Pacific StormsOn December 7th 1941, the U.S. Pacific Navy stationed at Pearl Harbor came under attack from Japanese fighter planes. The enemy fighters were destroying the American aircraft on land and in the air with deadly force. The battle of Pearl Harbor became the first of many to be fought over hostile waters. Now you can participate in all the major Pacific battles of the World War II in Pacific Storm – a game that seamlessly incorporates RTS into a major flight simulation title. Fight on either side, controlling US or Japanese forces and change the outcome of each historical battle!
Games are now available for purchase at affordable prices!
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